Tuesday, September 17, 2013


We live in a world full of restriction and competition. 
Yet we feel restricted because we fear rejection. 
We face rejection because we base everything off first glance..
When was the last time you really gave someone a fighting chance?
I'm talkin, Nah girl I can't he's black
Dude, did you see the size of her rack?!
That's what I thought, it's all about first impression, 
Because deep down we all have our selfish intention. 
So we pretend to be someone we think others want,
We put up a front by choosing which personality we decide to flaunt.
Now we wonder why we're unhappy and alone. 
Think back, someone had to of cast that first stone.
Sometimes it's just a simple lesson
Nope I'm not askin for a life confession.
Some so simple as don't touch that it's hot.
But we touch it and get burnt, now whose caught? 
The world would be an easier place 
If we left lies, hates, and fears embrace.
When we begin to believe in who we really are
We'll find ourselves reaching for that bright star. 
Whether that star's a person, place, or thing
It shouldn't matter as long as it has you feelin like a king. 
Last but certainly not least
Whether you worship with a Prophet, Pastor, Preacher, or Priest
We must remember Him up above 
Who's made it possible for us to grow and love.
Forget that swag and skinny jeans 
The Lord has placed within each of us potential of greater means.
So take your pride and leave it at the door
Stop pretending and surrender to life's fake war.
The only reason for this crazy obsession 
Is because of you and me and our worldly repossession 
Now take this world filled with restriction and competition 
Destroy it's rejection and show it rescission 
Simply by making your own decision...

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Honey I'm Home

I've decided to get back into the blogging swing of things.  I need an out, a way to express my thoughts and ideas, and that is exactly what 'Pursue Them' is all about.  Through out time spent getting to know those around me I have found that honestly, we are not all that different.  There are so many people who are going through the exact same things as me and you who need just as much support as we do.  That's sort of the reason for my blog now, to help someone else.  If my blog only helps one person realize they are not alone and that they are of worth, then I have completed my goal.

Before I dive right in to my main post for this evening I wanted to do a catch up of what is going on in my life as of late.  I moved home from Florida in January of 2013, started working at an apartment complex, and then began school at UVU this past fall.  During that time I have experienced some of my deepest lows, and highest highs.  I've grown as a strong independent young lady, and have found that without My Savior and Heavenly Father my world is incomplete.  I've made choices in my past that no longer define me, but rather refine me.....  I hope that throughout my experiences and thoughts I share you too will realize that it is never too late to be happy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

"Your Day Will Go The Way The Corners Of Your Mouth Turn"

Okay, so the title is kind of long but I promise there is reason!  Have you ever had those days where you feel on top of the world? Where you know everything is going to be okay?  Where you are on cloud 9 and nothing can get you down?? Or even on my more spiritual side, when you can feel our Saviors love and our Father in Heavens arms around us?  Where you feel like a million bucks!!  Well today is one of those days.

With the end of school and getting ready to head down to Florida I've been a little bit stressed,  I'm even more stressed with all that I've got to get done, trying to figure out how to get ALL of my clothes in two suitcases, making sure I have enough medicine to last 7 months, worrying about money, and with my family contemplating the idea of moving, really cleaning out all of my junk.  Being sad with saying goodbyes,  not wanting to say goodbye to my sweet work colleges, and especially my kind caring family.  I think everything has been bottling up and left me a little bit ornery and depressed.  But today is not one of those days!

Even though its dark and gloomy outside I feel blessed.  I feel blessed that the Lord has given me this incredible journey and adventure to experience.  That he has given me such an amazing company and work colleges for the past year to prepare me for this journey and to bless my life everyday with their positive attitudes.  I'm so very grateful for my CrAzY family!!!  With Prom, Kindergarten Graduations, Preschool Graduations, Solos in Concerts, and Baseball Games all happening I'm sad that the little siblings I've known are growing up, but am excited for them all the same.  I hope that while I'm away our relationships will continue to grow and that I can be the example to them that they are to me.  I'm so blessed to be given such amazing parents, who in any given moment, would do anything for me.  I'm glad that Nate and Mom will be there for me when I move to this "big city" because even though I'm 20 I feel like I'm a baby.  I know that they've raised me right and that I can conquer any of the trials I'll experience.  I'm so grateful for the support I've had from all family and friends, words can not describe how thankful I am for the blessings you've given me.  You'd be surprised how much a hi how are you, small text, or a smile and wave can change a persons day.

Alright, now that that mushy gushy is over........ 8 DAYS!!  8 DAYS!!! 8 days and I will be on an airplane to Florida, 10 days and I will be an official Disney World Cast Member!! WOOT WOOT.  I'm excited, and although right now I just feel like I'm going on a vacation, I cant wait.  I was speaking with a friend about the things that go on on a typical first day of check in and it just makes me that more excited.  I've signed up for my  Disney University class, Disney Corporate Communications (sounds official right?), and as I look at the syllabus I'm ecstatic for the things I get to learn.   I've received the chance to talk to a couple of other DCP (Disney College Program) people through Facebook and am even more convinced that the next 7 months are going to be filled with tons of fun and new experiences.

I know that while I'm there I'll get down, I'll get homesick, I'll get frustrated with roommates doing this or doing that, but one thing I must always remember is to smile.  You never know who's watching.  Oh and thanks to Pintrest I've found a couple of sweet quotes I need to remember:
      "The closer you walk with God, the less room for anything to come between"
      "The happiest people do not have the best of everything.  They make the best of everything they have."
      "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
      " Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all of the details of my life; the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be okay; and the determined choice to praise God in all things" -Kay Warren

Monday, May 7, 2012

Once Upon a Time....

Every story begins with Once Upon a Time, and so does this one.  My name is Lexi Spencer, I currently work for an amazing company called 4Life Research, just finished my associates at SUU, I am the oldest of 7 brothers and 2 sisters, and my family would classify themselves as Disney Freaks!  I come from divorced parents who have since remarried and have shared in having all 9 of my siblings.  My siblings mean the world to me and I would do anything for them any day, any time, no matter what!  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I love my savior so very much and I have no clue where I would be without the gospel.  I know that beginning this adventure is what my Father in Heaven has in my plan and that is all that I need to know.  I will trust in him and have faith in him as I begin to write my own story of my new chapter.  I have amazing parents, both earthy and Heavenly parents, whom I love and adore.  They would do anything for me at the drop of a hat and I admire and thank them for that.

Anyway, enough of my bio, let's jump into where this adventure all began.   I've chosen Pursue Them to be the title of my blog for numerous reasons.  I find the Walt Disney quote especially fitting to this adventure I'm about to embark on.  Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to go to Disney and work as a Disney Character, its been one of my "dreams".  There was multiple people who laughed at my silly idea and didn't believe that it was something that I would pursue.  In fact, when telling people about my opportunity one person replied with "Wow, that's great!  I didn't think that you'd actually go through with it or that they'd actually take you."  Lots of people figured I'd be married, or finishing up school, doing this, or that.  That it would just be another idea I had and it would be brushed off on the side.  Nope, not this one!  I have the courage to pursue my dreams and that is what I decided to do with this one!  

After attending a meeting held at UVU from Disney about their college program, I immediately applied for a position through their Disney College Program.  After a couple of days I received an e-mail inviting me to go through with the web based interview, after which they sent me another e-mail inviting me for a phone interview.  After my phone interview I waited a couple of days, which seemed like weeks, before being offered a position as an attraction worker at Disney World.  For some silly reason I declined this opportunity and figured I would just attend the auditions that would be held in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks later and based off of that I would either go to Disney or stay in Utah.  Well a couple of weeks passed and in the meantime I had head shots taken (from my good friend Angela Terry), worked on my improvisation skills, stressed about what to wear, causing some lovely zits to appear on my face (not exactly what I needed), and let the nervous get to me as I waited for the date of March 26 to get here.  It was FINALLY March 26 and me and my mom woke up (as if I could have slept the night before), got ready, and headed up north to Salt Lake.  It was a windy, rainy, stormy Monday morning and there was a little traffic due to a rolled over semi going South on I-15 at the point of the mountain.  We got to our destination just in time as I walked in to the Disney Recruiters instructing those that were auditioning to follow them to a backroom.  Once I arrived they gave us a number, an application form (which we filled out), took our height measurement, and a digital photograph of our face.  Due to the number of people at the Salt Lake audition they immediately did a first cut.  After cutting the group down to about half they taught us a small dance routine of a combination of Disney parade routines, instructed us to improvise two scenes (washing a dog, and you're on a picnic).  After teaching us these things they split us up in groups of 6.  Of those groups we  performed them in front of the recruiters, and was asked to either stay or go.  After every group was done they pulled those who were asked to stay back inside.  For some of those they took pictures of your face in all different angles and/or asked you to re perform the routines as they video recorded you.  After everyone was finished they dismissed us all.

After waiting days that seemed like years, I received a phone call.  As I was making my lunch my phone rang, I was going to ignore it since I didn't recognize the number, by Nate informed me that the area code was Orlando Florida so I quickly answered it.  It was a women from Disney who was calling to offer me a position as an entertainer at Disney World.  The reason why she was calling is because on my application I had selected to work the Fall semester (August-December) and she wanted to offer me a position for the Fall Advantage semester (June-December).  I agreed that that would be perfect and we ended our conversation.  

I am still receiving e-mails of papers to fill out, classes to sign up for, etc. but the adventure is on its way!  I am to arrive at Disney on June 4, 2012 and am to leave Disney on January 2, 2013.  I am super excited for this opportunity and can not wait for what else is in store!   I'm so glad that I decided to "Pursue Them"