Friday, May 25, 2012

"Your Day Will Go The Way The Corners Of Your Mouth Turn"

Okay, so the title is kind of long but I promise there is reason!  Have you ever had those days where you feel on top of the world? Where you know everything is going to be okay?  Where you are on cloud 9 and nothing can get you down?? Or even on my more spiritual side, when you can feel our Saviors love and our Father in Heavens arms around us?  Where you feel like a million bucks!!  Well today is one of those days.

With the end of school and getting ready to head down to Florida I've been a little bit stressed,  I'm even more stressed with all that I've got to get done, trying to figure out how to get ALL of my clothes in two suitcases, making sure I have enough medicine to last 7 months, worrying about money, and with my family contemplating the idea of moving, really cleaning out all of my junk.  Being sad with saying goodbyes,  not wanting to say goodbye to my sweet work colleges, and especially my kind caring family.  I think everything has been bottling up and left me a little bit ornery and depressed.  But today is not one of those days!

Even though its dark and gloomy outside I feel blessed.  I feel blessed that the Lord has given me this incredible journey and adventure to experience.  That he has given me such an amazing company and work colleges for the past year to prepare me for this journey and to bless my life everyday with their positive attitudes.  I'm so very grateful for my CrAzY family!!!  With Prom, Kindergarten Graduations, Preschool Graduations, Solos in Concerts, and Baseball Games all happening I'm sad that the little siblings I've known are growing up, but am excited for them all the same.  I hope that while I'm away our relationships will continue to grow and that I can be the example to them that they are to me.  I'm so blessed to be given such amazing parents, who in any given moment, would do anything for me.  I'm glad that Nate and Mom will be there for me when I move to this "big city" because even though I'm 20 I feel like I'm a baby.  I know that they've raised me right and that I can conquer any of the trials I'll experience.  I'm so grateful for the support I've had from all family and friends, words can not describe how thankful I am for the blessings you've given me.  You'd be surprised how much a hi how are you, small text, or a smile and wave can change a persons day.

Alright, now that that mushy gushy is over........ 8 DAYS!!  8 DAYS!!! 8 days and I will be on an airplane to Florida, 10 days and I will be an official Disney World Cast Member!! WOOT WOOT.  I'm excited, and although right now I just feel like I'm going on a vacation, I cant wait.  I was speaking with a friend about the things that go on on a typical first day of check in and it just makes me that more excited.  I've signed up for my  Disney University class, Disney Corporate Communications (sounds official right?), and as I look at the syllabus I'm ecstatic for the things I get to learn.   I've received the chance to talk to a couple of other DCP (Disney College Program) people through Facebook and am even more convinced that the next 7 months are going to be filled with tons of fun and new experiences.

I know that while I'm there I'll get down, I'll get homesick, I'll get frustrated with roommates doing this or doing that, but one thing I must always remember is to smile.  You never know who's watching.  Oh and thanks to Pintrest I've found a couple of sweet quotes I need to remember:
      "The closer you walk with God, the less room for anything to come between"
      "The happiest people do not have the best of everything.  They make the best of everything they have."
      "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."
      " Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all of the details of my life; the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be okay; and the determined choice to praise God in all things" -Kay Warren

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